quinta-feira, 7 de maio de 2020

Certificate of Reserval in 2020: where to take and what to do if you missed the enrollment deadline


This is our first article in english language. Feel free to make your comments, suggestions and ask your doubts. You can check the portuguese version of this article here.


Military conscription is a mandatory procedure for male Brazilians and must be performed in the first six months of the year in which the individual turns 18 years old.

Transgender men, that is, women who have made a gender transition and changed their civil registry with less than 18 years of age, are also included in the obligatory act.

Women can also enlist, however, the process is voluntary, since the Brazilian Constitution exempts them from compulsory military service.

certificate of army reservist enrollment in brazil

Photo by Damir Spanic on Unsplash

What is the certificate of reservist and how to obtain it?

The certificate of reservist is an important document provided to citizens who are enlisting in the army, navy, or aeronautics. The reservists card is given to the individual after the enrollment process when he or she is not chosen for compulsory military service.

After dismissal, the citizen will receive a stamp on the certificate to prove that he or she has fulfilled the obligation to enlist and that he or she has been dismissed for over-quota, health problem, religious excuse, or other reason that frees him or her from compulsory military service.

How do I get my reservists card?

The certificate of reservist is a document for the men who are in the reserve of the army, navy or aeronautics. After the entire conscription procedure is completed, if he is not chosen for compulsory military service, he will receive a stamp on his reservists certificate to prove that he has fulfilled his obligation to enlist in the army that he has been dismissed for over-quota, health problems, religious excuse, among other reasons.

The acronym JSM refers to the “Junta de Serviço Militar” (Military Service Board). The Board is the property of the City Hall, where the enlistments and withdrawals of the Certificate of Reservists take place.

Important information about the following institutions can be found on the website of the Military Service Board:

  • Navy: responsible for the defence of sea and river waters;
  • Army: in charge of protecting the land part of the national territory;
  • Air Force: in charge of maintaining security throughout the country’s airspace;
  • Armed Forces: promotes and coordinates the operation between the above institutions.

What is the certificate of reservist for?

Without the certificate of reservista the Brazilian male citizen cannot be hired by a public agency or government department (even if he has been approved in a public contest), cannot take his passport and cannot regularize all his necessary documentation for a formal job.

Even a signed employment card often requires the candidate to present all his/her documentation proving compulsory military conscription.

When will you report to the Army in 2020?

Enlistment 2020 starts at the beginning of January and runs until the end of June. In this way, the young person will have a period of 06 months (from 2 January to 30 June 2020) to enlist in the army.

What is the Certificate of Waiver of Incorporation?

The CDI “Certificado de Dispensa de Incorporação” (Certificate of Waiver of Incorporation) is a document that proves that a Brazilian man enlisted in one of the armed forces, but was exempted from incorporation because of his peculiar situations (religious excuse, health problems, among others) or because he exceeded the existing possibilities of incorporation (better known as “excess contingent”).

Every CDI belongs to the 3rd Category, since when it is dismissed it will not serve the army, except if it is summoned in some exceptional situation, such as in the case of a war or foreign military invasion.

In the certificate of dismissal of incorporation, the military unit is the number of the CSM ou the OAM.

What documents are required to obtain the Certificate of Reserval?

According to the Federal Government’s website, the following documents are required in order to make compulsory military enlistment and later obtain your Certificate of Reserval:

  • Birth certificate or identity document (RG). In place of the RG, the following documents can be presented: work permit, professional card, passport and functional identification card;
  • Proof of residence;
  • 01 (one) 3×4 photo (recent, front and no retouching).

Brazilians living or staying abroad should look for the nearest embassy or consular representation and present the following documents:

  • Birth Certificate or Identification Document (Marriage Certificate, Identity Card);
  • Individual Taxpayer Registry (CPF);
  • Identity Card (RG); and
  • A 3×4 photo (no date and recent).

During the general selection stage, which takes place after the issuance of the Military Enlistment Certificate, the following documents will be required:

  • Military Enlistment Certificate;
  • Identity Card;
  • Birth Certificate of the children, if any;
  • Original Marriage Certificate, if the person concerned is married; and
  • Optionally, school statement (certificate of completion or attendance certificate)

How to consult the certificate of reservist through internet?

It is not possible to consult your Reservista Certificate via the internet.

If you have lost your certificate it will be necessary to return to the nearest military service board of your city to ask for information about the withdrawal of the duplicate.

A small fee is usually paid for the withdrawal of this new route.

You also need to bring a 3×4 photo and your identity to request the consultation of the military junta officials. The procedure is usually simple and quick.

The deadline for the delivery of the duplicate varies from state to state.

I didn’t join the army when I was 18, what should I do?

If you did not enlist in the year you turned 18, you must report to the Military Service Board, pay the fine provided for under the Military Service Act, and be referred for general selection.

When you do not meet the established deadlines and the Certificate of Reserval is not issued, you will be subject to the following restrictions:

  • Impediment to passport withdrawal;
  • Prohibition of participation in public competitions;
  • Refusal to enter companies and institutions that depend on the Government’s authorization to operate;
  • Rejection of enrolment in educational institutions;
  • Blocking the process of obtaining a work permit;
  • Suspension of the signing of contracts signed with the Government;
  • Interdiction of activities related to public positions.

What is the Certificate of Reservience looks like?


For more information, visit the official website of the Brazilian Army on the documentation required for military service.

O conteúdo Certificate of Reserval in 2020: where to take and what to do if you missed the enrollment deadline aparece primeiro em Documentos & Certidões.

from Documentos & Certidões https://ift.tt/2A3kyDn

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